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 Expidition Areas in Italy
Dark Woods:
If you want to believe the old people there, one day a very popular king lived in those woods whose old name is long forgotten and are now known as the Dark Woods. Rumors say that this king made a pact with evil powers to reign forever. However the Dark Woods are eerie - full of wild animals and impervious brushwood. Many hunters and lumberjacks who went too deep into the woods never came back. It is said the old king took them so they serve him for eternity...
Pirate Harbor:
On the coast in the southern east there is a pirate harbor. There are many shady characters and goods which are forbidden elsewhere. Uninvited guests aren`t welcome. Still, many adventurers and nosy ones try out their luck. Mostly they end as food for the sharks. But if you bear up against all these pirates, you`ll get exotic treasures.
Ancient Temple:
It is long forgotten for which god this temple got erected. Nonetheless, the old, simple ruin still has an aura of mysticism and power. This far away place of worship towers majestically above the lowlands - the wind blows eerily through the old ruins, many animals nested there. Still - or maybe even because of all this - treasure hunters come here time and again - there is still this rumor that the true treasure of the temple has never been found...
Bandit Camp:
Near the city, hidden in the southern foothills of the Mist Mountains, there is a bandit camp. There dwell bandits, smugglers, thieves and other outlaws. Although the imperial legion sent troops there uncountable times, that camp was erected now and again.
Barbarian Village:
Far in the east there is a barbarian village. There dwell those uncivilized people not acknowledging the greatness of the roman empire. As they mug travelers and merchants every now and then, there could be real treasures. As long as the imperial legion doesn`t do anything, it is still a foolhardy expedition.
Mist Mountain:
The highest pinnacles of the Mist Mountains are enclosed from the eyes of all wanderers because of the thick clouds around them. Well, not that many people are coming there anyway. It is a dangerous area, not only because of the dangers from the mountains themselves, but also because it is said there are monsters in the caves at the southern slopes - the sort longing for human meat...
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