Expidition Areas in Germina
Koman Mountain: | |
Majestically it stands, the sacred Koman Mountain. Many mountain climbers wish nothing more than to scale this mountain. Unfortunately many blood-thirsty animals living here have been responsible for converting brave mountain climbers into dead mountain climbers. But something like that will surely not happen to a mighty gladiator. | |
The Green Forest: | |
Whoever likes things green and aromatic will find the green forest just right. The odor of Taraxacum officinale, Viola riviniana or Oxalis acetosella bewitch the senses and give all the horrors, that emanate from the forest, some comfort. Wolves and bears suddenly walk up-right and kill wanderers. The same goes for the usually friendly wolf pack. Whoever ventures into the forest at night may surely find magical ingredients, but the risk of dying might be a bit too much for the average citizen. But who even listens to the opinions of your average citizen? | |
Vandal Village: | |
The fertile flora and fauna of the area attracts many tribes. That is why it is only a question of time before the Vandals arrive as well. They are dreadful companions yet they brew heavenly beer and like to tell stories of their battles. While intoxicated they are very unpredictable and have a liking towards attacking strangers. Pray for a moment should you have to take rest with them. | |
Teuton Camp: | |
Feared by the Romans aggressive and wild Teutons live in this camp. They kill anyone and everyone who approaches. It is even said that they skin both animals and humans! Beyond that they use the skin and fur to dress themselves. A respected citizen of Rome can hardly even imagine such a thing. The forest looks kindly upon the barbarians, even if it stinks like mead and decay in their proximity. Only the bravest, or should we say those undaunted by death, even dare go close to these savages. | |
Cave Temple: | |
Out of ashes we are born and ashes we will become. Doesn`t it make sense for that reason to devote a temple to this element that determines the cycle of life? If only there weren`t the fear. It ate itself into the souls of those who would look after the temple. Now the imposing, multiple-storied building stands deserted. There are rumors that the fear living within the old ruins has taken on a life of its own. It is supposed to be so strong that even entombed people have risen from their graves. No priest willing to investigate this phenomenon ever returned from hell temple. Perhaps you have more luck or ability? | |
Cursed Village: | |
The fruitful flora and fauna of the region attract many tribes. Therefore it was just a question of time until the Vikings would also show up. They are brutal butchers who will pick a fight with anyone. Yet they bit their teeth out trying to fight the Teutons! Right before their downfall, however, they placed a curse on the attackers and this place. Odins rage ought to avenge their death. Now the village has become a dangerous place. In spite of this many looters venture there. Not even one-tenth of the Viking`s treasure should be looted. | |
Mine: | |
The pride of this region is his pure ore, which is stored in the mine. But for a while now a wolf pack lives inside the mine. Nobody knows why they are there!..The workers have already agreed to the new dangerous work situation. Every loss is painful, but the region cannot live without the ore. Everyone who will help them will be celebrated like a Caesar! | |
Death Hill: | |
The loss of the cave temple poses a considerable problem to the dwellers: Where to put the dead? Death Hill had for a long time been a perfect answer. Until the dead started rising and feeding off the carrion. Naturally this attracted all the wild animals. Still many an adventurer does not let this story deter him from looting the riches found in the graves. |